Monday, July 27, 2009

2009 Change Experience- MY 21 day Challenge

Today I begin my 21 day Challenge with Creflo Dollar Ministries. I'm pretty excited about going through this process. For a while now I've realized that there are areas in my life where I haven't let God in and as a result these areas suffer. Whether it's my financial lack, stunted spiritual life, or maintaining relationships that I either don't need to be in, or just being an ineffective Christian witness in the relationships I am in. I know God has so much more in store for me and not walking in His will for my life just leaves me feeling empty. There are times when staying in MY comfort zone feels good. But when I think of all the things I could be experiencing if I just let God take over, my "good times" outside of His will just don't cut it.

What I pray to take away from this challenge is a closer relationship with God, a better understanding of who I am in Christ, what God's will is for me in the 3 areas addressed by the challenge and finally a path to improve those areas that I can diligently maintain.

As I go through the challenge I'll make sure to post my observations. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this because I really need it. I do feel empty inside. I love God with all my heart, all my mind, and all my soul. I want everything He has for me. I want to grow up and make Him proud of me. I have a wonderful church with a wonderful Pastor and First Lady, whom I love very much. I have a wonderful family who loves me very much, and whom I love very much.
