Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hope this works...

So, this is my first time "blogging". I can't promise anything exciting but on occasion you may read something that is in my head that I haven't said out loud. A lil about me: I'm Guyanese American (my dad hates when I describe myelf that way casue it "doesn't seem like I acknowledge that I'm black"), a growing Christian woman, I recently turned 26 and I'm ready to start living my life in the present while continuing to set things in motion that will affect my future. I'm a college graduate (Thank God, and "take that!" to those counselors that said it wouldn't happen), a daughter, anolder sister, "twin/cuz" and girlfriend. All of these relationships make me very happy. My family is the most supportive family I know, the older ladies can be a lil critical at times but as we all get older either they becoem more tolerable or just easier to ignore =). I couldn't ask for a more supportive boyfriend, I thank God each day for putting him in my life and I pray that we'll continue to grow and develope along side each other. [xoxo babe]

There is more to me but I just wanted to see what it was like to actually blog... YEA 1 down how many more to go??!!?!?!?