I'd accepted Christ when I was 7 years old, and was baptized shortly after and as young child there really wasn't that much in terms of really bad, sinful things that I could get into. As I got older that changed, I'm jumping ahead a bit but as a teenager and then young adult I didn't always make the best choices. I did things that satisfied me temporarily and instantly, I stepped out of God's will for my life. By the time I hit 22 I was ready to really rededicate myself to God. That didn't mean that I completely quit all of the bad things I'd picked up but a huge portion of my change came from making a conscious effort to remove certain things from my "line of vision" or my immediate circle. I didn't catch everything but I'm still working on it. Take my music for example... I try not to listen to a lot of the music that plays now because its mostly about sex or is filled with profanity. I try and curb what I watch for the same reasons I can't fill my mind with sex, and profane language (especially if these are areas I have trouble overcoming) and then expect to not have an issue with it. Another area where I need to work on renewing my mind is in the area of gossiping and criticising people. I keep prayng for wisdom in handling some of my relationships where I can just as easily lash out and speak on things out of anger instead of in love and thats just not right or helpful...
So I have a ways to go but I'm thankful that I still have the ability, resources and desire to renew my mind.